Gokul Padmanabhan

Gokul Padmanabhan

Owner, Restoration Brokers of America


The industry itself, from a financial perspective, is healthy. The market continues to grow and there are healthy businesses in our industry as well as growing business and new blood moving our industry forward. The new entrepreneurs that are coming into the industry will most likely take it in directions we haven’t imagined today, which bodes well for the industry as a whole.


All of the contractors need a collective voice to advocate on their behalf; organizations like the Restoration Industry Association (RIA), with its new focus and mission statement it is beginning to address. As the industry begins to consolidate there will be investment missteps.


We see opportunity in mergers and acquisitions in selected regional and national players, which will be good for the industry in bringing technology and standardization, as well as better customer service.


There may be several kinds of risks that are inherent in the insurance claims business. The tolerance of these risks by business operators may result in narrow margins going forward.