Sean Scott

Sean Scott

Author, “Secrets of the Insurance Game” and “Red Guide to Recovery”


Advances in science and technology are helping today’s restorers to be far more educated in their craft than in years past. This raises the level of professionalism that helps ensure that consumers and property owners get the highest level of work product and a successful restoration project. Organizations like the IICRC are creating new standards and new ways of learning that are making our industry far more informed than ever before.


1) I think the industry needs to adopt some form of code of ethics to help keep restorers more accountable. 2) There should be more hands-on training in certain principals such as fire restoration that gives restorers a deeper understanding of the complex issues every fire presents. 3) There needs to be more local associations where restorers can collaborate, get to know one another and help improve the industry. The concept of “iron sharpens iron” applies here.


My goal is to share my 40-plus years of experience to help restorers in every aspect of this industry become better at what they do and leave behind a legacy for future restorers to follow. My hope is that the industry at large will recognize that the information, articles and tips I share can help restorers avoid many of the costly mistakes I have made along my journey as well as highlight the many successes that others can benefit from. In addition, I would like to see underserved communities such as African Americans, Native Americans and those with disabilities get a boost so they can enjoy the successes this industry has to offer and have the opportunities to open their own restoration firms to better their lives and communities.


The restoration industry has a symbiotic relationship with insurance companies. In some respects it is somewhat of a love-hate relationship as insurance companies want to control or minimize costs and restorers want to make as much as possible. The greatest threat or obstacle I see to the restoration industry is the emergence of more and more managed repair programs like Contractor Connection. These programs are exerting far too much control over restorer’s businesses and squeezing their profit margins razor thin in many cases. I have seen all too many restoration companies go bankrupt because of putting all their eggs in the program basket and if the industry doesn’t diversify and/or push back on these programs, a lot more financial hardship is destined to come.