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Revive Your Restoration Business Website
6 Prompts to
By Madeline Miller
Finding inspiration for business website blog topics is often difficult. Writer's block, and an overall struggle to develop new ideas, are common occurrence for business writers.
This is especially true for restoration businesses that want to talk about and share advice on their niche. While the restoration industry is a treasure trove of knowledge, inspiration, and community, publishing all of this in a blog can be challenging, because there is so much to talk about.
And sometimes, relying on the same tricks and prompts causes disinterest in both customers and clients. In fact, customers and potential clients will be coming to your blog for advice on repairing a space after taking on any form of damage. Therefore, it’s important to establish your blog as an authority when it comes to restoration.
Reviving your business blog can require lots of planning and work. So, if you are experiencing writer's block, researching prompts can be useful for contractor blogging purposes. Here are seven restoration blog prompts that can help you revive your contractor business website:
1. FAQ Blog Posts
Instead of only having an FAQ page, you can also write blogs on frequently asked questions. With more resources, clients can get more questions answered in a reasonable timeframe. Contractors are important figures that citizens depend on when it comes to property concerns.
2. Local Events
Events happening in your community are relevant to your clients. Construction, parades, and other disruptions can impact project completion by causing delays. Writing blogs about community updates can erase the stress clients may have by making them aware of situations to expect.
3. Completed Projects
Showcasing completed projects is a sure-fire way to impress potential clients. One intention you should have when working on reviving your contractor website is finding ways to draw in new customers. Ask permission from past clients to use photos of their property to advertise on your website. You can then write blogs on recent projects to add to your website's archive. This blog prompt is beneficial both marketing wise and website wise. Completed projects are a wonderful way to enhance your contractor business website.
4. Natural Disaster Protocols
In the event of natural disasters, client property and property construction are at risk. Tornadoes, rain storms, and other natural disasters can impact contracting work. In a natural disaster protocol blog, you can discuss what to do during certain events. Using this prompt will allow you to provide clients with important safety information. Flooding is a big problem in many places. After huge storms, flooding is likely to occur.
5. Water Damage
Blogs on how to handle water damage can help property owners in need. Water damage is one of the biggest concerns of clients. This prompt is a great way to show new visitors your expertise.
6. Caring For a Property
This is probably the most effective prompt on the list. Not many people know how to properly care for their homes. Property care is an important responsibility that homeowners must maintain. Home owners need to know how to keep their property in perfect shape so that it doesn’t decrease in value. Regular home inspections, renovations, cleaning, and replacing things are all examples of property maintenance. Writing a blog on property caring tips will interest clients and customers in your company; this is due to trusting your team based on knowledge and professionalism.
These six blog topics are perfect for reviving your restoration contractor business website. When you market your contracting business online with these relevant topics, things will go more smoothly.
Happy blogging!
Writer Madeline Miller works at Assignment Writing Services and Urgent Assignment Help. Madeline writes about property restoration and blogs at Best essay writing services.